Arctia's CEO and Executive Group
Arctia's CEO and Executive Group
The Board of Directors appoints the Chief Executive Officer and approves his/her terms of employment. The CEO attends to the day-to-day administration of the company in accordance with the instructions and orders issued by the Board of Directors, and ensures that the company accounts are in compliance with the law and that the management of its assets is organised in a reliable manner. The CEO is responsible for ensuring that the company achieves its objectives.
The Executive Management Team is tasked with implementing the company operations in accordance with the strategy and guidelines issued by the Board of Directors and Group CEO. The Executive Management Team includes the CEO, the Directors of Business Operations, Technical Director, CFO, the Director of HR and Legal Affairs and the Director of Sustainability and Communications. As a rule, the team convenes once a month.
CEO and Executive Group
Maunu Visuri
Maunu Visuri has acted as the CEO of Arctia since 2019. Maunu has a MSc degree in aeronautical engineering and he has a diverse 30 years experience in aviation and maritime industries with 15 years experience as a CEO. Before Arctia, he worked at Nordic Regional Airlines Oy and prior to that, as a CEO of Nordic Global Airlines Ltd.
Paavo Kojonen
SVP, Icebreaking
Paavo Kojonen has worked as the SVP of Arctias icebreaking operations since 2023. He has a Master Mariner degree, and in addition to deck officer experience, he has worked for 20 years in business management positions. Prior to Arctia, Paavo worked at Neste Oyj and before that within shipping and maritime industries for example at ABB and Navidom.
Timo Riihimäki
SVP, Fairway Infra Services
Timo Riihimäki started working as SVP, Fairway Infra Services at Arctia in 2023. Timo has more than 20 years of management position experience within transport and logistics, and he has MBA degree. He worked for example at Finnair, VR Track and Rail Baltica before joining Arctia.
Lauri Pöyhönen
SVP, Marine Survey Services
Lauri Pöyhönen joined Arctia in 2023 as SVP, Marine Survey Services. Lauri has MSc degree in naval architecture and more than 20 years of experience in service business and project management and managerial positions. Before starting at Arctia, he worked at Napa Ltd.
Janne Laitinen
SVP, Human Resources and Legal Affairs
Janne Laitinen has been working as SVP, HR and Legal Affairs at Arctia since 2020. Janne has a bachelor of laws degree, and before joining Arctia, he has worked as hr- and legal director, labor market lawyer and as airline pilot. Prior to Arctia, he worked as Negotiations Director at Palta, Finnish Service Sector Employers.
Tero Hänninen
Technical Director
Tero Hänninen started as Technical Director at Arctia in 2021. He has MSc degree in automation technology and extensive and diverse experience of technical positions within shipping industry, such as shipyard manager, new build projects and several positions onboard. Tero worked at Alfons Håkans Ltd before starting at Arctia.
Pekka Meronen
Chief Financial Officer
Pekka Meronen has acted as CFO at Arctia since 2024. Pekka holds MSc degree in industrial management and engineering, and he has 25 years of experience in diverse board and director positions. Before Arctia, he worked as CFO for Port of Helsinki, including responsibilities in finance, ICT and development.
Jukka Viitanen
Sustainability and Communications Director
Jukka Viitanen joined Arctia in 2024 as Sustainability and Communications Director. Jukka has MSc degree in geology, and he has worked more than 20 years with various development and management positions within infrastructure, focusing on sustainability for the past 10 years. He worked as Head of Sustainability of NRC Group before starting at Arctia.