
Changes in Arctia’s group structure completed – Meritaito Ltd is now Arctia Meritaito Ltd

The enhancement of Arctia’s group structure, which was started in 2020, has been concluded. The group structure was simplified by merging and closing down a total of four separate subsidiaries. As the last change, the name of Meritaito Ltd was changed to Arctia Meritaito Ltd on 5 May 2021.

In addition to simplifying and enhancing the group structure, the name change is a part of the unification of the Arctia brand. ‘The new name affiliates Arctia Meritaito Ltd more closely with the group. Out of our three business operations, Arctia Icebreaking Ltd provides icebreaking services, including harbour icebreaking and towing services organised by Arctia Karhu Ltd. Arctia Meritaito Ltd handles fairway maintenance and hydrographic surveys. Our customers will perceive Arctia as a more unified company than before with a vast and comprehensive service concept offering that utilizes know-how across different business operations,’ says Chief Executive Officer Maunu Visuri.

The company’s VAT code remains the same, and the name change does not affect contracts with customers.

Additional information: Communications Manager Eija Koli, eija.koli@arctia.fi




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