
Finnish Ice buoys for harsh ice conditions

Arctia – Meritaito designes, manufactures, sells, installs and maintains SeaHow Ice Buoys in Finland. Most of these buoys are orderet by Finnish fairway authorities and other local fairway operators. Nowadays significant amount of ice buoys are exported too. 

Finnish Ice buoys are designed to withstand the harsh ice conditions during winter period. Often they are equipped with sensors and wireless communication that makes it possible remotely to monitor the buoys and other AtoN’s too. On-line monitored parameters are for example the location, lantern performance and battery power level. There are almost two thousand units of such buoys in the Finnish fairways and the amount is growing steadily. More than a hundred buoys are interactively controlled on-line so that it is possible to adjust the light intensity according to prevailing visibility and weather conditions when navigating in the area.

From this link you can obtain an article that gives a report of three different experiments we are conducting at the moment in Finland and Russia to test and develope SeaHow Ice buoys and on-line remote monitoring and controlling technology and functionality.




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